
How To Backup And Save A Copy Of Your Entire Website / Blog On Blogger

How To Backup And Save A Copy Of Your Entire Website Blog On Blogger

The popularity of blogging and creating websites has grown immensely over the last decade. Blogger remains a great platform for creating and maintaining an online presence. With any website, creating a backup of your work is a great idea. With Blogger, the solution for backing up your website is very simple. Just follow the steps below:

The Tutorial:

1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard and select the Settings tab within the drop down menu of the desired blog.
2. Under the Settings section (located on the left side with a wrench icon) select Other.
3. At the top center of your screen you'll see Blog Tools and to the right Import Blog - Export Blog - Delete Blog.
4. Select Export Blog. *Note: Exporting your blog will not erase or mess up your current blog, it will still remain exactly the same.
5. A window will pop up, select Download Blog.
6. Go back to your Blogger Dashboard and select Template.
7. At the top right you'll see Backup / Restore, click that and choose Download Full Template, this will download your blogs template design.
8. Both files are now downloaded.
9. Create a new Blog Backups folder on your desktop to store the backup files of your blog.
10. Navigate to the download folder and find the downloaded files of your blog, they will be .xml files like this: blog-06-05-2014.xml and template-101010101010.xml.
11. Copy the .xml backup file to your newly created Blog Backups folder.
12. You're Done

*Note that this will not backup any of the added content you placed in blocks within the layout area of your blog. For example, you may have added a "Gadget" such as an HTML/JavaScript block. You will need to save that code / content manually.

I recommend backing up your blog at least once a week if you add content often, or consider creating a backup file each time you add content. The goal of doing this is to prevent the loss of valuable information that you have created for your website.

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